Saturday 6 February 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I have rejecyed my blog for sooo long!! i'm sorry my loyal
followers. I love you all but i have benn so busy! Doing:
a tonne of homework
preparing for my school trip to china
deciding weather to do battle of the bands or not
but nothing is more important than my loyal followers and
my blog. Apart from shopping! What do you wear to china
at the temperature of minus 10??
but i have brought some cute tees and buying jeans tomorrow
and have got a gorgeous rucksack from american apparel
a modern timeless classic!!

Then theres battle of the bands! me and my buds set up Beiginning
this band just for laughs and made a song when it was
so cold outside that we stayed in the music block and had
raves. supposedly it was never gonna go any further but now
two want to do it in a serious competition and our song
is called Joseph the fish and it is cool but just fun so like
i'm not that into doing it. :(

TOOOOOO much home-work!! it's like these teachers
sit down and plan what pointless home-work to give
us next.

OMG i am going to china!!!! I'm sooo excited
but vv nervous. it is going to be stunning and
we're going to the wall of china, Beijing and have Chinese
massages! and soak up all the atmosphere and culture. BUT what
if i get really bad jet lag?? :( but i am going wiv all my buds so
it will be raving times!!
Apparently they are like obsessed wiv blonds cause they
never see them and Lucy is bright blond and they
are gonna be constantly taking photos!! lol! =D

And of course shopping as usually. I have been drawn
to jack-wills recently and i love the bright colours but
i hate the price of it!!!! Why soo expensive?? =(

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